BBS in a Box 5
BBS in a Box -Volume V (BBS in a Box) (April 1992).iso
Cat 16 Top 67 Folder
Cat 16 Top 67
Text File
918 lines
Topic 67 Wed Sep 13, 1989
K.LEW at 23:15 PDT
Sub: Hewlett Packard Deskwriter
Problems and solutions encountered with the HP DeskWriter printer.
94 message(s) total.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 1 Sat May 04, 1991
DeskWriter Prices take a dip.....
As expected, in response to Apple's introduction of the low cost
StyleWriter, Hewlett-Packard has dropped the price of the
DeskWriter to make it more competitive.
Effective May 1st, DeskWriter "list" pricing has been cut from its
previous $995 to $729.
Based upon the best "street" discounts of about 62% that I've seen
(which came out to $629 or so), the street price of the DeskWriter
should now decline to about $460. I would not expect to actually see
advertised prices in this range for about 4-6 weeks yet, as dealers
sell out their remaining stock of the "higher priced" (but identical)
The Mac mags should not reflect the new pricing for at least 3
months, based on their longer "lead" times.
$460 would "place" the DW at least neck-and-neck (or better) with
the StyleWriter insofar as street pricing is concerned. Although the
StyleWriter has a slightly greater printing resolution than the DW, I
still consider the DW the superior printer in terms of speed,
networkability, ease of use, and consumables replacement (I haven't
yet seen any mention of refilling StyleWriter cartridges).
- John
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 2 Sat May 04, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 21:34 EDT
Here's one current data point: an Oakland store (Whole Earth Access) if
offering the DeskWriter for $479.
| \_|IM
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 3 Wed May 15, 1991
Has anyone ever compared the throughput of a DeskWriter connected to a single
user AppleTalk/Localtalk network versus one connected to the serial port?
Relevant facts from the DeskWriter manual:
Serial port 57.6Kbps
Localtalk 230.4Kbps
In theory a single user Localtalk network should be faster without the
"overhead" of multiple users. But is it? Anybody ever tested this?
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 4 Fri May 17, 1991
MS.RAINBO at 00:04 EDT
I doubt it'd matter which one is faster, Paul. I've never used a DeskWriter,
but I doubt it can keep up with a sustained input of even 19.2Kbps. My casual
calculations shows that it takes a scant three minutes to transmit 1MB of data
at 57.6, just to pick a figure out of the blue. Based on that number, the size
of the DeskWriter's internal buffer, and your own experience, I hope you can
determine if a faster connection would do you any good. I'm too lazy to work
out all the logic tonight, but I bet you'll find that the serial connection is
frequently idle during long print jobs.
Good luck!
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 5 Sun May 19, 1991
J.SCOTT16 at 03:26 EDT
Has anybody figured out what the _BEST_ paper for the DeskWriter is? I've
tried several, and have had varying results. Anybody found anything
spectacular? Eaton Berkshire Parchment is great for those important final
drafts, but it's pretty expensive- $5.00 for 80 sheets. I'm looking for good
quality paper for every day use. thanks. BTW Has anybody had trouble with
System 7.0 & the DW. I'm waiting for a few bugs to show up before I start
using it.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 6 Sun May 19, 1991
DOUG.ACKER [Doug] at 10:02 EDT
Well... on Applelink, the Serial version of DW is on the Compatability List
(not the Atalk version).....howerver, I just tried to print something and it
worked. My guess the serial verison doesn't handle TrueType ... which doesn't
faze me since I use ATM :)
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 7 Wed May 22, 1991
J.SCOTT16 at 00:19 EDT
Has anybody had a chance to try out system 7? Not a single dealer in my city
has it. The one I went to was asking $99.00 for the package! is that
outrageous, or is that average... None of the mail order houses have it
either. Sorry about veering from the topic... If you have used System 7, how
do Freedom of Press Light and ATM work, if at all? I've been waiting for sys 7
befor I buy SYS 7 because it seems like an area for incompatibility. I also
heard that ATM is less efficient with sys 7. Any info on this?
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 8 Wed May 22, 1991
LINEFEED [Lou] at 01:15 EDT
$99.00 is the going price right now... And I wouldn't expect to see it on the
mail-order lists for quite some time (if ever...)
No word on FOP, but ATM and TrueType work just fine under 7.0...
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 9 Wed May 22, 1991
R.ASHWILL at 03:45 EDT
I have been refilling my cartriges for some time now with varying results.
I'm using Parker Quink. Sometimes it goes without a hitch, but very often the
refilled cartrige will print with light strips (like some of the jets arn't
working) and nothing I have tried will save the cartrige after that starts to
happen. I've tried cleaning the tip with alcohol, water, wet ones, steril
wipes, and even and an ultra sonic cleaner with no luck. Does anyone have any
idea what I'm doing wrong? I absolutly love the idea of being able to do this.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 10 Wed May 22, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 04:58 EDT
You should wander over to the new Category 22, which is now dedicated to
discussion of System 7. Topic 8 is the compatibility topic. (Although there's
a lot of topic crossover!) You might find that you have had Cat 22 cancelled,
because it used to something else.
You can get Sys 7 from BMUG for $45 or download it for free here and buy a
third party book. (E.g. "The Macintosh Bible Guide to System 7")
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 11 Wed May 22, 1991
DOUG.ACKER [Doug] at 07:57 EDT
The serial verison of the DW DOES have a problem ..... I can only get it to
print one page at a time ..... if I try to print more than one page I get a
buffer overflow ...
In the mean time, I have also set up a system floppy under 6 with ATM and the
the RDEV... so if I have a big job to print, I reboot from their...
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 12 Thu May 23, 1991
AGNARI at 02:05 EDT
Doug, I also have an 8meg SE/30 using an HP DeskWriter printer. And once I
turned off the VM I've been able to print multiple pages with MacWrite II.
With the VM turned on sometimes I would get a page or only a para before the
dreaded DTR message appeared and the lights started flashing.
Current set up has the DeskWriter 2.1, ATM and ATM 68020/30 files in the
System Folder, a chooser in the Apple Menu Items folder.
Granted it seems strange that VM would have such an impact; but, with the
problems I've had with the DoveFax FaxPrint (had to scrap Chooser 7.0 and
reinstall Chooser 6.0.7 or 6.0.5) it just might be in the Chooser and
something new it's doing with the Driver data. I get this impression because
everytime I tried to select the FaxPrint via 7.oh's chooser it would totally
barf up the Chooser file, size change dramatically and wouldn't run properly
(like only half or less of the normal chooser screen would appear on screen).
Much like you I had to resort to a 6.0.7 system floppy till I was able to
get the FaxPrint workaround and see the earlier message about VM being at the
root of the problem in printing.
As I've got one of the older DW's (as in need to upgrade the sled) I called
HP on Wednesday and they are working on a 7.oh driver and like about every
other company, the release date is suprise: unknown.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 13 Mon May 27, 1991
J.SCOTT16 at 01:08 EDT
I hate to ask again, but has anybody found the perfect DW paper? The results
vary so much between different brands... I want the best! ...(At a reasonable
price (: )
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 14 Thu May 30, 1991
ZTERM [Dave A.] at 23:34 EDT
J. Scott,
I use XEROX 4200 DP 20lb. I have done very little comparison with other
papers. I just picked it out at the local supplies store as something that
was reasonable priced, and didnt appear to be el cheapo. Last time I bought
some it was $3.75/ream. It looks great to me, but as I said, I've done very
little testing of different papers.
-- Dave
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 15 Fri May 31, 1991
S.CORKER1 [Stan] at 22:41 EDT
Has anyone heard about a new Deskwriter driver? I have been told that there is
a version 3.x posted on the Berkley BBS.
I have recently loaded Sys 7.0 and my deskwriter has gone back to operating at
a snail's pace - I think it is because I have screwed up the finely tuned
memory management.
Or could a new driver help? I was told it is for Sys 7.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 16 Wed Jun 26, 1991
J.SCOTT16 [J. Scott] at 03:03 EDT
Come on... No one's talking here. It's been almost a month since the last
post. Has it moved elsewhere?
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 17 Wed Jun 26, 1991
DON.PEASLEE [Don] at 09:10 EDT
What's the best price for a new DW cartridge? I've found them locally for
$16.50 plus tax. Don't mind mail order (in fact, prefer it) and am curious
who might be a good source...
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 18 Wed Jun 26, 1991
MARK.HIATT [GENIEus p150] at 13:16 EDT
I get mine here in town, Don, for $17.00 each. I generally get two at once so
as not to run dry when I need it (usually about three in the morning).
I got a nifty mailer from SOMEone once, good for a free refill. All I had to
pay was the postage and specify which color ink I wanted. I put it in a safe
place, where I'd always be able to find it when the next cartridge ran dry...
and lost it. I've been sorta-kinda shopping for one of those kits in the
magaazines (tip: There's many more for DeskJet in the PC magazines) but when
you need ink, you need ink. Anyway, I'll try to put the next dry cartridge
away in a safe place, so when I get ready to try refilling it, I will always
know... er, wait. That won't work.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 19 Wed Jun 26, 1991
DON.PEASLEE [Don] at 15:25 EDT
I had two dry cartridges that I was saving for future use. Saved 'em for
about a year, and when I attempted to fill them again, they were clogged which
no amount of effort was able to produce a working refill again. Has anyone
had any success with LONG dried-out refills when attempting to refill and use?
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 20 Wed Jun 26, 1991
DON.PEASLEE [Don] at 15:36 EDT
Due to the large size of this Topic, earlier messages have been archived and
are now available in Library 10 of the Software Libraries (P 605, Option 3).
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 21 Wed Jun 26, 1991
I'd also like to find a mail-order source for DW cartridges. I've looked
for ads, in the back of MacWeek and a couple of other Mac mags but, haven't
found any. You and Mark sure have better local prices than I can find here.
The best I've come up with so far is $24.50.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 22 Thu Jun 27, 1991
AGNARI at 00:31 EDT
ComputerLand was selling the more permant ink cartridges for 14.95 last
month and typically the older cartridges were going for 19.95 in their usual
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 23 Fri Jun 28, 1991
TIM.PIAZZA [DTP Sysop] at 22:17 EDT
If you have a clogged deskwriter cartridge, try placing the jets in a little
warm water for 20 minutes or so. That worked for me a couple of times, but I
don't know about a year's worth of drying-- mine were only sitting around for
a few days.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 24 Sat Jun 29, 1991
AGNARI at 00:49 EDT
I usually refill the empty cartridge within minutes of replacing it with
another refilled cartridge and haven' t had any problems yet.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 25 Wed Jul 10, 1991
J.SCOTT16 [J. Scott] at 22:06 EDT
According to the manual that comes with the DW print cartridge: CAUTION!,
ADVERTENCIA!, ACHTUNG!, ATTENZIONE!, ATTENTION! "The ink in this cartridge has
been carefully formulated by Hewlett-Packard to ensure superior print quality
and compatibility with the print cartridge station within the printer. Damage
to the printer resulting from modifying or refilling the print cartridge is
not the responsibility of Hewlett- Packard." What a crock! Has anybody caused
any dammage to their printer by refilling their cartridges? Sounds like a ploy
by H-P to make more money.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 26 Thu Jul 11, 1991
G.KUO [Guy] at 00:19 EDT
No damage here after 1.5 years of refills.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 27 Thu Jul 11, 1991
MS.RAINBO at 01:05 EDT
Poor quality inks can clog the ink nozzles. I don't know what it would take to
repait that on a DeskWriter or DeskJet, but I'm sure it's more than a consumer
would want to lay out and more than HP would want to cover via warranty
service - ergo, the warning.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 28 Thu Jul 11, 1991
G.KUO [Guy] at 03:34 EDT
Sure it might clog the ink nozzles, but it hasn't. Also the nozzles are
replaced when you put in a new cartridge. Gee! You might ruin a very useful,
empty ink cartridge. Haven't seen any change on my print head station either.
I doubt there's much to be lost in using one of the inks long described here.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 29 Fri Jul 12, 1991
H.KAHNG [Henry] at 03:47 EDT
Question: Is the DeskWriter compatible with System 7, and can it use
TrueType? If not, to one or both, are new printer drivers being prepared that
will make it work well with System 7? I ask because I plan to purchase a
DeskWriter soon.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 30 Fri Jul 12, 1991
DON.PEASLEE [Don] at 11:17 EDT
Yup and Yup.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 31 Fri Jul 12, 1991
DOUG.ACKER [Doug] at 15:19 EDT
However ... at this time, the DW serial mode is not compatible with VM on ..
unless you are in 32 bit mode..
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 32 Fri Jul 19, 1991
H.KAHNG [Henry] at 03:06 EDT
Thanks for the info. But now I have some more questions. What is the most
recent version of the printer driver...the one that came with my DeskWriter
was version 2.00A, I think. Also, what kind of paper works best? I am
currently using 24 LB. Strathmore Legacy laser copier paper, with a smooth
finish. Strathmore Paper Co. is a unit of Hammermill Paper Co. The output
looks okay, but it looks like it could be better. Any suggestions? (And I am
using the 'right' side of the paper!) Thanks.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 33 Fri Jul 19, 1991
J.SCOTT16 [J.] at 23:12 EDT
I'm using Stuart Hall Executive Typing Paper. It's a klunky brand, but the
paper is very heavy-weight, and has nice output. It is 24 Lb paper, but it
feels much more substanial. It is about $1.50 for 100 sheets. $7.50/ream isn't
too bad a price either.
The current driver is 2.01, and yes, there is probably a correct side to your
paper. If there is, there should be some kind of indication of the right side
on the package it came in.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 34 Sat Jul 20, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 00:40 EDT
J. Scott,
You said that 2.01 is the current HP DW driver, but I've seen the following
here in the library:
Desc: New DeskWriter Driver from HP!
Anyone know what's going on?
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 35 Sat Jul 20, 1991
Yep, the latest DeskWriter driver is 2.1 not, 2.01.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 36 Sun Jul 21, 1991
J.SCOTT16 [J.] at 02:42 EDT
Yea, I meant to say 2.1... Sorry.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 37 Sun Jul 28, 1991
HLEBOWITZ [Animal Lib] at 16:32 EDT
What about the new color inks for the new color deskwriter? an article in
infoworld said the old deskwriter would only print black ink. what would
prevent one from using the new color ink other than if HP made the shape of
the cartidge different and I don't know that they did. Howard
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 38 Sun Jul 28, 1991
J.SCOTT16 [J.] at 21:15 EDT
I've seen diferent colored ink cartridges for the DeskWriter. What do you mean
by the "old" DeskWriter? To my knowledge, all DWs are the same, other than
their connection to the computer (AppleTalk/Serial)
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 39 Fri Aug 02, 1991
S.CORKER1 [Stan] at 20:18 EDT
Is anyone else having problems printing worksheets in Excel 3.0?
I no longer have WYSIWYG now that I have upgraded to System 7.0 and Excel 3.0.
The vertical spacing (row height) is different between the screen and the
printed output. And if I choose the laserwriter, its OK.
Microsoft tells me that the new Excel gets spacing info from the printer
driver (pointing the finger at HP) and that there is no solution from their
If anyone has already come across this problem and found a work-around, I
would sure appreciate some guidance.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 40 Thu Aug 08, 1991
The new DeskWriter-C....
HP has introduced the DeskWriter-C, a faster color-capable version of
the Deskwriter. The one I saw on display at MacWorld Boston was
attracting a large crowd.....
The DeskWriter-C will print at 300dpi, same as the B&W DW, which
will remain in production for the current list price of $729. The new
DW-C will sell for $1,095 - if I recall correctly, that's $100 LESS
than the original DW when it was introduced back in '89. One dealer at
MacWorld was advertising the DW-C for a street price of $797; the
printer, however, isn't scheduled to ship until September.
The DW-C will print B&W pages anywhere from 20%-50% faster than
the DW, and will churn out a color page in about 4 minutes. It uses a 3-
color ink cartridge that will run about $29 or so at retail; for B&W
printing only, you can switch to the "straight" black cartridge. HP
provides a new "cartridge holder" case along with the printer, and also
a small brush to clean the print heads if needed.
The printer will run via either a "straight serial" connection or
AppleTalk; the new print driver includes a built-in spooler,
presumably due to the longer printing times required for color output.
Alas, the new driver is NOT compatible with the older B&W DW.
Best of all, HP is offering a DeskWriter to DeskWriter-C upgrade for
all current owners of the older model. Cost is $450 for both the
original "straight serial" DWs and the newer "AppleTalk" models as
well. For that, you get a new controller board, carriage mechanism,
exterior case - essentially a completely new printer along with a full
3-year warranty from the date of remanufacture.
The output of the DW-C, to my untrained eyes, looked remarkably good.
An image printed in shades of gray looked as good or better...
Not long ago, when I would discuss the Mac with others, I would
complain that color was a frivolous luxury since you couldn't afford a
printer that would produce decent quality images at high resolution.
No more !!!
- John
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 41 Fri Aug 09, 1991
J.SCOTT16 [J.] at 00:03 EDT
Where do I sign up! That sounds fantastic... Now all I need is a color monitor
for my SE/30. :(
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 42 Fri Aug 09, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 21:33 EDT
Thanks for the report about the DeskWriter-C. That's quite an exciting
I'm color ignorant, for the same reason you referred to: I had no interest in
color if I couldn't reproduce it in hardcopy. So my question is something
like: With three colors, what does that correspond to? 8-bit? 24-bit? Or does
this question even make sense? Can I get magazine quality color printing out
of this printer?
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 43 Sat Aug 10, 1991
J.SCOTT16 [J.] at 01:12 EDT
It probably dithers to produce different colors. It won't be magazine quality,
Magazines use upwards of 1200 DPI for their prints. I'm not at all sure, but I
think it may produce all 16.7 million collors (24 bit).
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 44 Sat Aug 10, 1991
AGNARI at 12:00 EDT
J.S. any thing that sells for $1,000 really won't be magazine quality but
it sure sounds like a nice improvement over the alternatives. John, thanks
for the word about the upgrade path was worried I'd have to sell this DW for
a lose and then get a new one.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 45 Sat Aug 10, 1991
E.WESSEL at 17:23 EDT
An upgrade for a printer...That's the most bizarre thing I've heard this week.
I guess HP figures it's good will or thinking about color cart sales. Very
What will happen to the color Paint Jet if the Deskwriter C will do color
in higher res? Will it still require the expensive HP Paper for decent
printouts? Evan
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 46 Tue Aug 20, 1991
K.LARSON4 at 18:25 EDT
If you're still listening, I'm very happy with the paper I use. It's called
Recycled Lasersharp DTP--available from Paper Direct, 1-800-A PAPERS. 24 lb.,
bright white, makes the characters look awfully good...
Hope this helps.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 47 Thu Aug 22, 1991
J.SCOTT16 [J.] at 00:55 EDT
Virtual memory doesn't work with D.W. driver 2.0, right? Does version 2.1 fix
this problem? I'm still using 2.0, too lazy to get the upgrade. I guess I'll
trudge out and get it if it fixes the Virtual problem. Anybody know?
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 48 Thu Aug 22, 1991
AGNARI at 19:11 EDT
Don't thinks so Scott, I've had DW driver 2.1 since I learned of it and
still see the VM error message.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 49 Thu Aug 22, 1991
J.SCOTT16 [J.] at 23:18 EDT
Anybody know if/when HP is gooing to fix this thing? (The virtual memory
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 50 Fri Aug 23, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 02:57 EDT
I actually think the conflict between Apple's VM and the HP DW lies in Apple's
court. I believe that Connectix's Virtual used to conflict in a similar
fashion with the DW, and it was Connectix who provided the fix. Someone more
knowledgeable can chime in to correct me if I'm wrong.
The only puzzling thing, if the above is true, is why Apple didn't learn from
Connectix's experience and realize that there was this problem before they
released VM.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 51 Fri Aug 23, 1991
S.CORKER1 [Stan] at 18:32 EDT
What VM problem?
I use VM / Deskwriter 2.1 and I have never had a problem (other than a
suspicion that it is slower than the days of 6.0.7).
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 52 Fri Aug 23, 1991
LINEFEED [Lou] at 22:08 EDT
Do you print multi-page documents? And are you using over 8mb of virtual
memory? If I remember correctly, the problem only shows up with multiple
pages and if you are not using 32-bit addressing.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 53 Sat Aug 24, 1991
J.SCOTT16 [J.] at 01:12 EDT
I get the problem using a SE/30 with 5 megs of actual memory, 8 megs total
including virtual. I'm not running 32 bit mode (I can't without mode32). The
problem occurs with both single and multipage docs.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 54 Sat Aug 24, 1991
S.CORKER1 [Stan] at 23:49 EDT
I am not running into any problems. My configuration is a Mac IIsi, 5MB
actual, virtual set for 10MB (don't remember why I set it so high), 32-bit
addressing disabled (I know that setting it would cause problems with some of
my software).
I do print lots of multi-page documents, primarily in Word 4.0 and Excel 3.0.
I use ATM with 512K font cache and I have increased the minimum memory for
most of the applications that I use.
Do you get frequent crashes?
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 55 Sun Aug 25, 1991
H.KAHNG [Henry] at 03:51 EDT
I've recently read about the new DeskWriter-C, which will be able to print in
color, using a three-color ink cartridge for the colors, and a regualr black
ink cartridge for text. I think current DeskWriters are upgradeable, but does
anyone know for how much? (Not that I need a color printer--I just think it's
Kate--thanks, I'll look into the paper you suggested.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 56 Sun Aug 25, 1991
AGNARI at 13:24 EDT
Henry the rumored price of the upgrade has been printed by the mags (not HP)
as $450
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 57 Sun Aug 25, 1991
LINEFEED [Lou] at 16:44 EDT
But what was interesting is that they quoted that as the "list" price for the
upgrade. That implies that there might be a "street" price... So how/where
does this upgrade happen? I'll be calling HP tomorrow to try and find out...
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 58 Mon Aug 26, 1991
JN.KOILES at 00:55 EDT
Can anyone tell me where to put my additonal fonts for the Deskwriter. Fonts
such as Bookman do not show up in the font menu for any of my applications:
MCWrite, Ready Set Go, etc. I've tried putting them everywhere with no
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 59 Mon Aug 26, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 03:03 EDT
I assume you're talking about HP supplied fonts. (As opposed to Adobe Type 1
fonts for use with ATM or as opposed to TrueType.) You need to do two things:
(1) Install the bitmaps into your System file using Font/DA mover (or using
Suitcase, MasterJuggler, etc.) It sound like you haven't done this; if you had
these fonts would have shown up in your applications' menus.
(2) You need to put the printer files into the folder called something like
"Deskwriter fonts" or close to that which is in your System folder.
If you do (1), the applications will know about these fonts. If you also do
(2), then the Deskwriter will be able to print out these fonts in its typical
high quality.
Holler, if you need more info.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 60 Mon Aug 26, 1991
E.WESSEL at 20:00 EDT
I believe that $450 price is for HP to do the job. Evan
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 61 Mon Aug 26, 1991
LINEFEED [Lou] at 20:09 EDT
Here's the scoop on the DeskWriter C:
Price of upgrade : $450.00
Availability : September 1st.
Option #1:
Call HP at (800) 752-0900 and ask for the update coupon. They will send
you a card with the details, but basically you ship your printer back, they
'replace the inner workings with "C" guts, and send it back. Approx. time
span of two weeks (including shipping)
Option #2:
Call HP at (503) 757-2002. For an additional $65.00 (total $515.00) HP
will ship you a DeskWriter C. You then return your unit in the box that the
"new" one came in. If it's not recieved after a pre-defined period of time,
you will be billed for the cost of the DeskWriter C...
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 62 Sun Sep 01, 1991
Has anyone seen a print from the DW-C? How does it look, any comments? I'm
anxious for this, even if it can't replace the Kodak XL-7700:-) a $25K
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 63 Sun Sep 01, 1991
MACINFO [Norm Goodger] at 19:09 EDT
John, I have some sample printouts from the DeskWriter-C, they look very good.
Course thats just my opinion, mileage may vary..
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 64 Sun Sep 01, 1991
Glad to hear that Norm. Heck for $450 how can one go too wrong:-) I haven't
even seen the output, but plan on upgrading my DW. I get Appletalk with that
upgrade I would assume.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 65 Mon Sep 02, 1991
AGNARI at 18:31 EDT
Brja glad to hear about the DW-c, but you may want to check out your
terminal program and probable use of the backspace or arrow keys to correct
text - just look at your message #65 all those [D's make it look really werid.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 66 Tue Sep 03, 1991
TIM.PIAZZA [DTP Sysop] at 13:42 EDT
John, you might also want to take a look at the new Mitsubishi dye sublimation
printer. The specs and features look great. If the product lives up to the
literature, we might have a desktop color printer that looks even better than
a Canon CLC 500.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 67 Tue Sep 03, 1991
MACINFO [Norm Goodger] at 19:05 EDT
John, the DeskWriter-C does support AppleTalk, so I would assume the upgrade
would include that feature too, but until someone actually does it andd
confirms it, it remains to be seen.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 68 Tue Sep 03, 1991
LINEFEED [Lou] at 20:07 EDT
When I called today to order my upgrade, I was asked if I had AppleTalk or
not. When I said yes, she said "In that case, the cost is $450.00". I'd
assume from that that there is a different price for non-Appletalk models.
I'll be calling back tomorrow to give them my purchase date and serial number,
so I'll ask what's up.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 69 Wed Sep 04, 1991
AGNARI at 19:29 EDT
Lou I was asked the same question, and the cost for not having AppleTalk was
quoted as $450.00. IMNSHO, me thinks several of the people at that upgrade
number have limited HP knowledge or diminished HP capacity. Talked with
several and I knew more about the upgrade, options, prices and HP products in
general then they did without looking for some factsheet - and I am by no
means an HP expert.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 70 Thu Sep 05, 1991
LINEFEED [Lou] at 01:32 EDT
I did some more in-depth checking. If your Deskwriter doesn't have Appletalk,
your Deskwriter C won't have Appletalk. The cost is the same, the printer you
get is different.
By the way, the "express" service ($65.00) apparently includes overnight
shipment, as I'm supposed to have mine tomorrow.
You have 14 days to return your original printer with the supplied shipping
By the way... You'll have to add any local sales tax to that $450 or $515...
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 71 Thu Sep 05, 1991
J.RATLIFF1 [Jim] at 02:50 EDT
I just wanted to mention one thing I read in MacUser (Oct.) about the HP-C.
Most color inkjet printers use three "real" colors plus black. The HP-C can
either use one three-color cartridge or a black cartridge, but not both. So if
you're using the three color cartridge to print color graphics, any black text
on that page will actually look kind of brown.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 72 Thu Sep 05, 1991
MACINFO [Norm Goodger] at 03:08 EDT
Can't have everything Jim... now is it a Dark Brown or.....
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 73 Thu Sep 05, 1991
AGNARI at 21:08 EDT
The one thing I found strange about the whole thing was that they kept
calling the Deskwriter-C a DeskJet.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 74 Sat Sep 07, 1991
Right you would get browns, dark, for the blacks without that black ink. Too
bad, but for $450 I'll go for it. Also too bad I won't end up with the ATalk,
Oh well can't have everything.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 75 Sat Sep 07, 1991
LINEFEED [Lou] at 10:23 EDT
HP called yesterday and appologised that my DWC would be delayed until tuesday
because the shipment of new DWCs wouldn't be in until Monday... Rats.
Category 16, Topic 67
Message 76 Sat Sep 07, 1991
AGNARI at 14:12 EDT
You got that message too! Well at least the lady had a nice voice.